Decaf Collection
We love coffee and strongly believe that everyone who enjoys it too should have the chance to drink an amazing cup of freshly brewed coffee and that’s why we also want offer those coffee lovers the option of trying an amazing decaf blend with zero discomfort.
Interestingly enough, decaf coffee is not completely decaffeinated.
Usually a 12 oz. coffee cup contains something around 160-180 mg. of caffeine depending on the coffee variety and the type of brew that is used. Robusta coffee (grown in lower plantations) contains a higher amount of caffeine, however, you don’t have to worry about it since we only offer arabica coffee from high grown mountains in Mexico containing less amount of caffeine.
According to USDA, decaffeinated coffee only needs to be 97% caffeine free, meaning that an average of 12 oz. cup of decaffeinated coffee will contain less than 5 mg. of caffeine.